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End of Key Stage 2 Attainment Progress


Academic year 2018 - 19

Key results are as follows;-

81% of children met the expected standard in reading compared to 73% nationally and 69.4% locally.

77% of children met the expected standard in writing compared to 78% nationally and 74.9% locally.

74% of children met the expected standard in maths compared to 79% nationally and 77.2% locally.

77% of children met the expected standard in grammar and spelling compared to 78% nationally and 77.4% locally.

71% of children met the expected standard in reading, writing and maths compared to 65% nationally and 61.5% locally.

The percentage of children judged to be working at greater depth/at the higher standard in reading is 29% [National 27%]; in writing is 23% [National 20%]; in maths is 23% [National 27%].

The progress score for reading was -2.19, for maths 1.01 and for writing -1.0.

The national average scaled score for reading was 104. In 2019, Blackshaw Lane achieved a score of 105.9. In Mathematics, the national figure was 105 and Blackshaw Lane achieved a score of 103.4. In Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling the national figure was 106 and Blackshaw lane achieved a score of 106.6.


Academic year 2017-18

Key results are as follows;-

78% of children met the expected standard in reading compared to 75% nationally and 72% locally.

78% of children met the expected standard in writing compared to 78% nationally and 76% locally.

78% of children met the expected standard in maths compared to 76% nationally and 75.3% locally.

85% of children met the expected standard in grammar and spelling compared to 77% nationally and 77.6% locally.

60% of children met the expected standard in reading, writing and maths compared to 64% nationally and 62% locally.

The percentage of children judged to be working at greater depth/at the higher standard in reading is 15% [National 28%]; in writing is 0% [National 20%]; in maths is 19% [National 24%].

The progress score for reading was -0.1, for maths -0.4 and for writing -1.5.

The national average scaled score for reading was 105. In 2018, Blackshaw Lane achieved a score of 104.8. In Mathematics, the national figure was 104 and Blackshaw Lane achieved a score of 103.4. In Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling the national figure was 106 and Blackshaw lane achieved a score of 105.4.

This year’s outcomes continue show a significant improvements on previous year’s results and can be attributed to the continuing whole school developments. The school’s development plan has fully taken in to account the impact made and continues to identify and address further areas for improvement.


Academic year 2016-17

Key results are as follows;-

64.3% of children met the expected standard in reading compared to 71% nationally and 65.1% locally.

67.9% of children met the expected standard in writing compared to 76% nationally and 72% locally.

60.7% of children met the expected standard in maths compared to 75% nationally and 72% locally.

71.4% of children met the expected standard in grammar and spelling compared to 77% nationally and 74.8% locally.

57.1% of children met the expected standard in reading, writing and maths compared to 61% nationally and 55.6% locally.

The percentage of children judged to be working at greater depth/at the higher standard in reading is 25% [National 24%]; in writing is 10.7% [National 18%]; in maths is 17.9% [National 23%].

The progress score for reading was -2.8, for maths -4.2 and for writing -2.1.

The national average scaled score for reading was 102.7. In 2016, Blackshaw Lane achieved a score of 102.2. In Mathematics, the national figure was 103.7 and Blackshaw Lane achieved a score of 101.1. In Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling the national figure was 106 and Blackshaw lane achieved a score of 102.7.

This year’s outcomes in Reading and Writing show a significant improvement on last year’s results and can be attributed to the targeted work done so far. The school’s development plan has fully taken in to account the impact made so far and the remaining areas for development.


Academic Year 2015-2016

2016 saw the introduction of new tests at Key Stage 2. These were significantly more challenging than previous years and tested the new primary curriculum which was introduced in September 2014. Consequently, the children were tested against end of Key Stage expectations despite only being taught the new curriculum for 2 years. Comparisons with previous years are unreliable. Key results are as follows;-

52% of children met the expected standard in reading compared to 66% nationally.

48.3% of children met the expected standard in writing compared to 74% nationally.

62.1% of children met the expected standard in maths compared to 70% nationally.

66% of children met the expected standard in grammar and spelling compared to 72% nationally.

38% of children met the expected standard in reading, writing and maths compared to 53% nationally.

The percentage of children judged to be working at greater depth/at the higher standard in reading is 17.2% [National 19%]; in writing is 3.4% [National 15%]; in maths is 3.4% [National 17%].

The progress score for reading was -2.6, for maths -3.1 and for writing -5.3.

The national average scaled score for reading was 102.6. In 2016, Blackshaw Lane achieved a score of 101.1. In maths, the national figure was 103.0 and Blackshaw Lane achieved a score of 101.1.

Considerable care should be used when interpreting the writing results. Recent guidance issued to inspectors states, “It may be that there is variability between schools in how they have interpreted the demand of the interim framework in this first year of its use. It may also be that there is variability in the way that local authorities (LA) have interpreted this demand when moderating against the interim framework for the first time.”

Although these results are out of character with previous years data the schools development plan has fully taken in to account the lessons learned from the 2015-16 method of testing children at the end of Key Stage 2 with many actions and developments in place to address this.