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Welcome to Year 2!

This half term in year 2, we will be learning all about plants and the United Kingdom in our topic lessons. We will learn about what plants need to grow. In our geography based topic, we will learn about the 4 countries of the UK and their capital cities. In English, we will be writing character descriptions and reports. In maths, we are learning all about statistics and the properties of shape. We will continue to learn the 2, 5 and 10 times table multiplication and division facts, using TT Rockstars.

PE will be on a Thursday and Friday so please ensure your PE kit is in on these days. Reading books are changed on a Monday if your reading record has been signed. Please make sure you have your book bag in school every day so that important information can be sent home. Homework is sent home fortnightly. Please ensure your homework is returned, completed, on time.

Learning links:

File icon: pdf Curriculum Overview Yr2.1920 [pdf 162KB] Click to download