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Year 3!


File icon: pdf Curriculum overview Yr3.1920 [pdf 125KB] Click to download

This half term in year 3, we will be learning all about the Rocks, Soils and Fossils in our science and topic lessons. By the end of this science unit pupils should: compare and group rocks based on their appearance and physical properties, giving a reason;  know how fossils are formed; know how soil is made; know about and explain the difference between sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rock.  We will continue to have English lessons daily, where we are learning to write information texts about Mary Anning and story writing about a journey to the centre of the Earth.  In maths, we are learning all about addition and subtraction.   We will then move on to multiplication and division. We will learn the 3, 4 and 8 times table multiplication and division facts.

PE will be on a Tuesday so please ensure your PE kit is in on these days, clearly named. Swimming is every Wednesday morning – please remember no earrings and hair should be securely tied back.  Reading books are changed on a Tuesday if your reading record has been signed. Please make sure you have your book bag in school every day so that important information can be sent home. Homework is sent home fortnightly. Please ensure your homework is returned, completed, on time.

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