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Welcome to Year 6!



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Happy New Year!

Following our successful first term we are extremely excited to continue our hard work across the curriculum.

Our topic this term is Baghdad 900 ad (the Islamic golden age). We will be learning all about life in Baghdad including the inventions, artwork and famous scholars that lived there! Whilst researching this amazing, powerful city we will learn all about the Qur’an and its importance in the religion of Islam.


This will also help us to write clear instructions on how to build a powerful city and a rags to riches story set in Baghdad 900 ad.

Alongside this, we will be revising and using our grammatical terminology that can be found in our SATS revision books.

In science, we are very excited to learn about evolution and inheritance.

I would like

to congratulate the pupils who achieved a full term with their always badges! They should be very proud of their behaviour and attitude last term, keep up the good work year 6! Please help by making sure that your child wears their badge every day!


 Our current class reading book is The golden horseman of Baghdad which is helping us to learn all about this era.


Quick reminders-

  • Homework is given out every Friday to be returned the following Thursday.
  • Spellings are given out every Monday and tested the following Monday.
  • Learning logs are given out every two weeks with a week break in-between to share and display work.
  • Reading books are collected every day and should be signed by a parent at least once before Wednesday.


Helpful websites-